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Classic Salmon Croquettes


Memories...all alone in the moonlight, yes. But that's not where we're going with it. Especially considering most of our greatest memories don't involve us being alone, and in them, we're rarely in the moonlight. I would venture to say that the majority of our best and most easily recalled memories find root in some friend, familiar or community member who shared with us something we cannot easily lose. Be it a kind word, an unsolicited but very well needed hug, a piece of advise or even a recipe.

I've made mention to ya'll before that my people know how to clang a few pots and pans, but I don't hail from any long line of beasts in the kitchen like a great many of you. With that, I don't have very many "kitchen memories" to recall. For me, that makes the few that I have even more special.

My maternal grandmother, whom at 81 STILL takes heads in our shop on an almost daily bases, has always been my beloved few-trick-pony in this sense. She's got a hand full of recipes to put into circulation, but lawd 😫 does she know what to do with them! One of my most fond memories will always be stopping by to visit and chat whilst she stands at her gas stove, small framed and smiling, one hand on her hip and the other attending to scolding hot grease frying a family favorite -salmon croquette. She'd whip up some smothered potatoes in a separate pan, and you shouldn't expect much more of a meal than that.

I love this woman with all my heart. This one is for you, Granny.


  • 1 skillet (cast iron preferred)

  • 1 large bowl

  • Cutting board and cutting utensils of your choice

  • Spoon for mixing


  • 3 Cans Pink Salmon (you may crush the bone and skin in, or remove; it is preferred that you should do the latter)

  • 4 Celery Stalks (chop both the stalk, and leaf)

  • 1 Large Sweet Onion

  • 1 Large Bell Pepper

  • 1 tbsp Olive oil to saute the above

In the large bowl, mix together:

  • 1 1/2 cups Breadcrumbs

  • 1 cup Whole Milk

  • 4 Large Eggs (beaten w/ 1 tbsp Low-Sodium Soy Sauce)

  • 2 tsps Garlic Powder

  • 1 tsp Celery Salt, Smoked Paprika

  • 1 tsp Italian Seasoning

As stated in the video, a little will go a long way with this recipe. The above yields just over 12 patties. All details are made available in attached video.

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